Tools and Hardware Required:

* This may vary depending on which Waterfall you have.

  • 3″ Exterior Deck Screws
  • 3/8″ Concrete Drill Bit (no shorter than 6″)
  • 6-10′ of 2″ Spa Flex
  • Appropiate Size Coupling SCH 40
  • 3/8″ Wide Anchors x 3″ Long Wedge Anchors
  • PVC Cutter or Sawzall
  • Carpenter Pencils or Chalk
  • Hand Drill or Impact Drill
  • Hammer
  • x14 or more Pressure-Treated 2×4 Blocks (8″ Long)
  • PVC Glue & Cleaner
  • Hammer Drill
  • Sharp Straight Edge Knife
  • UR Touch Up Kit

Now that you have all of your supplies to complete this installation, follow the instructions below. (steps may vary depending on what waterfall you have and the curve of your pool.)

man cutting pipes for rock waterfall install on pool

2″ PVC Pipe should be coming out of the ground. Cut if needed – Leave about 6″-8″.

artificial rock waterfall for swimming pool

Place the waterfall and rocks where you would like to install it – over the 2″ pipe.

faux rock waterfall overhang on swimming pool

If gap is visible to the side. You will need to modify it.

artificial rock waterfall installation

Fiqure out where the rock edge touches the coping and even it out by cutting the rock with a sharp knife.

faux rock waterfall overhang on swimming pool

Check to see if it fits the coping evenly. If not, continue cutting.

outlining concrete for artificial rock waterfall swimming pool install

Once you like where all the rocks are placed. Outline the rock using chalk or pencil.

artificial rock waterfall swimming pool install

After you have outlined the rocks in the correct place. Flip the rocks over, placing them behind the outlines.

concrete on swimming pool deck

This is what your outline should look like.

blocks on conrete for rock waterfall pool install

Now you will place the blocks down where you will be screwing them into the concrete. (x3 block per edge rock & 5 or more for your waterfall)

man drilling hole in concrete for rock waterfall pool install

You will now drill two holes on each block and through the concrete.

man vacuuming concrete for rock waterfall pool install

Vacuum up the excess dust from the wood blocks and the holes after you have finished drilling.

man hammering concrete for rock waterfall pool install

Line up holes and hammer down the bolts into the holes you created.

man drilling concrete for rock waterfall pool install

With an impact drill you are going to fasten the nuts down the bolts.

man measuring concrete for rock waterfall pool install

You will now draw lines outward from the blocks, so you know where to put your screws.

man fitting pipes for rock waterfall install on swimming pool

Prep PVC fittings and Flex Pipe to rest everything will line up.

man fitting pipes for rock waterfall install on pool

Depending on the size of the flex pipe, you will need to get the appropriate size coupling to make it fit into the new elbow opening.

piping for rock waterfall install on swimming pool

This is an example of 1″ flex pipe attached to a 2″ reducer coupling.

hand showing piping and glue for rock waterfall install on pool

You will now clean and glue both the coupling & elbow, now place coupling into the elbow.

gluing pipe pieces for artificial rock waterfall swimming pool

Hold down the glued coupling for 10+ seconds.

pipe install for artificial rock waterfall swimming pool

Now place the glued elbow onto the stubbed up PVC pipe. Make sure to twist 1/4 turn to let pop all the air bubbles within.

installing pipes for artificial rock waterfall swimming pool

You will then glue the flex pipe to the coupling inside of the elbow.

hand gluing piping for artificial rock waterfall pool installation

Clean and glue waterfall fitting as well as other coupling.

faux rock waterfall swimming pool installation

Hold down coupling in waterfall fitting for 10+ seconds.

man measuring pipe for artificial rock waterfall pool installation

Next, you will figure out how much flex pipe you’ll need. Enough to make a loop like the image above.

cutting tubing for artificial rock waterfall pool installation

Cut of the exess flex pipe.

glue sealing faux rock waterfall pool installation

Glue flex pipe into coupling/fitting.

artificial rock waterfall pool installation

Put all flex pipe inside waterfall and flip waterfall and rocks over. Place them over the mounted blocks.

drilling faux rock waterfall for swimming pool

Now you will screw from the outside of the rocks, directly into the blocks underneath. (Hint: using your lines beforehand)

silicone seal on faux rock waterfall for pool

You will now put silicon/M-1 around the edges and screw heads.

hand sealing silicone around faux rock waterfall for pool

Use a glove to spread the silicon evenly.

hand painting artificial rock waterfall

Grab the paint brush and dip into the coloring and directly onto the spread silicon, camouflaging the spots.

artificial rock waterfall pool installation

Vacuum excess coloring.

faux rock waterfall for swimming pool

Landscape around your pool, turn on your pool-waterfall return line at your equipment and ta-dah!

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